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Why Is My Heat Pump Tripping the Breaker in Arlington, TX?

When electrical appliances, such as your heat pump, draw excessive current, they can get damaged or even cause a fire. To prevent these issues, a circuit breaker trips when it detects a circuit overload in your Arlington, TX, home. Let’s explore some possible reasons your heat pump trips the circuit breaker.

Electrical Issues

Rodents may enter your heat pump and damage the coating of your system’s electrical wires. The damaged wires can cause a short circuit. When your circuit breaker detects a short circuit, it trips.

If you’re not a trained electrician, don’t try to repair frayed wiring as you may suffer serious injuries. Instead, schedule repair services with a professional to address the issue.

Refrigerant Leaks

Your heat pump uses a unique fluid called refrigerant to draw and carry heat from your indoor air during the cooling season and dispose of it outside. During the heating season, the fluid absorbs heat from the surrounding air or ground and brings it into your home.

When the refrigerant leaks, your system works harder to move heat. This causes the system to draw excessive current, which causes the breaker to trip.

Dirty Coils

When your indoor and outdoor heat pump coils are dirty, the refrigerant cannot efficiently absorb and dispose of heat. As a result, your system works for long hours as it tries to satisfy your temperature needs.

The longer the system works, the more current it uses. It’s prudent to schedule maintenance services regularly so a professional can clean these coils.

Faulty Heat Pump Compressor

A heat pump’s compressor increases and decreases the refrigerant’s temperature to make the fluid absorb and release heat. When this vital part malfunctions, it may use current, which causes the circuit breaker to trip. If you suspect your compressor is faulty, shut down the system immediately and request a certified service technician to inspect the component to prevent a costly repair or replacement.

Instead of resetting the breaker, you should look for a more sustainable solution. Call the heat pump experts at Performance Heat and Air. Our team will find the issues causing your circuit breaker to trip and fix them.

Image provided by iStock

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