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What’s the Ideal Indoor Humidity Range for My Home in Mansfield, TX?

Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. Can some seemingly harmless vapors really affect your health? Here’s everything you need to know about the ideal indoor humidity range for homes in Mansfield, TX.

Why Does Humidity Occur?

Although you don’t see it happening, the normal atmospheric conditions result in evaporation of water from the ground, which later condenses in a continuous cycle. Once the water evaporates, it disperses in the gaseous form of water vapor, which we can’t do without. In the process, nature distributes water to things that need it, forming the water cycle.

The Ideal Range of Humidity at Home

The levels of humidity at home affect your comfort. Since summer is warm, the air has more moisture and thus high humidity.

The ideal humidity levels should be maintained at a level of between 35 and 40 percent. A dehumidifier can help regulate the indoor humidity in your home.

Effects of High and Low Humidity

Low indoor humidity results in a variety of problems on your health and inside your homes. Your skin may dry up, you may suffer low body temperatures and you may experience respiratory issues.

Additionally, you may notice an increase in static electricity. High humidity, on the other hand, causes excessive sweating and musty smells. In addition, pests may start showing up.

How Humidity Levels Impact Home Comfort

To maintain comfort at home, every homeowner should have a hygrometer. Maintaining humidity at the required levels during summer will prevent occurrences of asthma and allergies. Additionally, bacterial growth inside of your walls and ceilings will be eliminated and you’ll enjoy good air quality.

Performance Heat and Air has decades of experience with indoor air quality services. We guarantee 100% client satisfaction. For more information or to book your appointment, call us today.

Image provided by iStock

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