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3 Strange Smells Coming from Your Air Conditioner and What they Mean

Do you smell an unusual odor coming from the air conditioning system in your Aledo, Texas, home? If so, you probably want to know the cause of it as soon as possible. Several issues can cause strange AC odors, some of which are very serious and deserve immediate professional attention. Here are some of the most common air conditioner smells that mean you need to call an AC company right away:

Burning Smell

When you smell a burning odor coming from your AC system, it should be a big cause for concern. A burning odor could mean that there’s a problem with your wiring or that your air conditioners motor has overheated. Burning smells may also mean there’s a short in your system.

If the smell continues long after you’ve turned your air conditioner on, shut down your system and leave your home. This is a possible fire risk.

Rotting Smell

If you’re near one of your air conditioner vents and notice a rotting smell, it could be because an animal has made their way into your system and either died or left waste behind. While this situation isn’t dangerous, it deserves immediate attention before the smell permeates your home.

First, shut off your system to stop the smell from circulating in your house. Next, open your windows to ventilate your house. Finally, call your AC company for a duct cleaning and inspection.

Dirty Sock Smell

When you notice something that smells like dirty socks coming from your air conditioner, it could be because of stagnant water in your system or a dirty evaporator coil. A professional should be able to identify and fix the problem with ease. As a result, you’ll breathe easier at home.

Do you notice a strange air conditioner odor and need professional help? Call Performance Heat and Air at (469) 557-4455. We’ll fix your problem so that you can enjoy clean and odorless cool air.

Image provided by Bigstock

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