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Should I Replace or Repair My Heat Pump in Mansfield, TX?

Having to deal with the summer weather in Mansfield, TX, without a functioning heat pump is annoying enough on its own. Confusion over whether repair or replacement is the appropriate way to handle a particular issue only compounds the frustration. Here are some useful tips to help you choose between heat pump repair and replacement:

Frequency of Malfunctions

Heat pump malfunctions need not be catastrophic. Normally, good repairs should restore these systems after they break down.

However, the effects of those repairs should last for a good while. If your heat pump fails every few weeks or months, it may be best to cut your losses and get a new one.

Size of Utility Bills

The size of your utility bills is the best indicator of your heat pump’s efficiency. In turn, the system’s efficiency is the best barometer of its overall health. If your utility bills inexplicably spike, consider replacing your system.

It may be possible to decrease your utility bills after repairs, of course. If you simultaneously notice many other problems with your heat pump, though, think about getting a new one.

Age of the System

The age of your system at the time that it runs into trouble is an excellent clue as to whether it will be possible to fix its current issues. Typically, the useful service life of an air-source heat pump lasts is about 15 years, while a geothermal heat pump can reliably go on for up to 25 years.

If your system is younger than these respective ages, then mere repairs might do the trick when things go south. Otherwise, replacement is probably the wiser option. Of course, the degree of care and maintenance that you’ve given your system over the years will influence how useful this rule is.

The signs above should help you start on your way to resolving whatever problems you have with your heat pump. When deciding between repair and replacement, you’ll need help from a team of skilled professionals. Call Performance Heat and Air today to schedule heat pump services in Mansfield, TX.

Image provided by iStock

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