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Do You Need to Replace Your Manual Thermostat

If you’re a homeowner with a manual thermostat in Mansfield, TX, you may wonder if it needs replacement. More specifically, you may want to know if a programmable or smart thermostat would be a beneficial addition. To help you decide, here are three ways to tell when it’s time to replace your home’s manual thermostat:

Incorrect Temperature Readings

The most obvious reason that you’d want to replace your manual thermostat is if it’s not accurate. If its temperature readings aren’t right, you’ll pay the price in discomfort and wasted energy. However, it’s not always easy to tell when you have this problem.

The simplest way to find out is to use an inexpensive portable thermometer to check. Place it near your thermostat and see if they match. If they don’t, you might want to start looking for a new thermostat.

Unusual Temperature Fluctuations

As some thermostats age, they may begin having trouble maintaining the temperature you’ve set. Although the problem sometimes traces back to the HVAC system itself, thermostats are another likely culprit. In some cases, recalibrating the thermostat might fix the problem.

However, it’s usually a better idea to simply replace your thermostat with a newer model. This is especially true if you still have a manual thermostat. Upgrading it will fix the problem and give you the benefit of advanced functionality and energy savings.

Thermostat Is Over 10 Years Old

The good news about older manual thermostats is that they’re mechanically simple. That means they last a very long time if you treat them with care. However, there’s such a thing as a manual thermostat outliving its usefulness.

It’s been our experience that the average thermostat lasts about 10 years before needing replacement. So, if yours is at least that old, it may be worth considering a new one. That way, you won’t have to worry as much about unexpected breakdowns for at least another decade.

Only you can decide on the right time to replace your thermostat unless it malfunctions and gives you no choice. When the day does come,you’ll want to call in a professional to do the job for you. Contact Performance Heat and Air when you’re ready to schedule an HVAC service appointment.

Image provided by iStock

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