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Can I Make My Furnace Last Longer in Aledo, TX?

Everybody wants their furnace to last as long as possible. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your furnace in good working condition for many years. We’ll discuss tips for making a furnace last longer in Aledo, TX.

Change Your Air Filter Regularly

The furnace filter traps pet dander, pollen, dust, debris and other contaminants that may enter your furnace and clog its parts. These contaminants block proper airflow when they accumulate on the filter.

As a result, your system overworks, trying to pull air through the clogged filter. This increases the strain on its parts, making them wear out quickly. Make it a habit to inspect your air filter once a month and replace it if it’s clogged, or wash it if you use a reusable filter.

Act Immediately When You Have a Repair Issue

It’s very easy to know when your heat pump is in distress. Usually, the system will emit unusual sounds, such as banging, buzzing, hissing and gurgling. Also, you may notice weird odors you have never encountered before, such as a rotten eggs smell, a dirty socks smell and a burning odor.

Whenever your heat pump starts to act in a manner you’re not used to, consider seeking a service technician’s help immediately. This helps to take care of the problem early enough before it becomes worse and more expensive to repair.

Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Heated air may escape through gaps in your house’s windows, doors and walls. The US Department of Energy notes that your windows lose 25%-30% of heated air during the colder months.

This loss makes it difficult for your furnace to reach your preferred temperature levels, prompting it to work for an extended period. Consider sealing gaps in your home to give your furnace an easy time.

Reach out to Performance Heat and Air for exceptional heating services this cold season. We’ll fix the problematic parts as soon as possible to make you and your family comfortable.

Image provided by iStock

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